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The Role of Vitamins in Disease Prevention

The Role of Vitamins in Disease Prevention

Print this entryThe correlation between nutrition and health has been a topic of enduring fascination among researchers and healthcare professionals. Recent discoveries have shed light on a captivating connection between vitamin deficiencies and specific ailments. In this article, we delve into how the absence of essential vitamins, such as vitamin B and C, can be associated with various diseases and underscore the significance of considering vitamin deficiencies as potential contributors to illness. Vitamin B: A Fortress Against Diverse Maladies Vitamin…

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The Monkey Diet humans have monkey teeth what should we eat?

The Monkey Diet humans have monkey teeth what should we eat?

Print this entryDid you know that humans have monkey teeth? Yes, it’s true – our pearly whites are remarkably similar to those of our primate pals. But this intriguing fact begs the question: what should we eat to truly nourish ourselves? You might be surprised as we explore the pros and cons of adopting the monkey diet and discover how to prepare mouthwatering monkey food. So grab a banana (or two!), and let’s embark on this wild culinary adventure together!…

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What Makes You Sick or Diseased, Germs or the Foods You Eat?

What Makes You Sick or Diseased, Germs or the Foods You Eat?

Print this entryMost Americans are probably familiar with Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) germ theory, but few know about Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908) and his work stating that diet was the cause of disease. Despite being scientific contemporaries, fellow members of the French Academy of Science, and fellow compatriots, the two nineteenth-century researchers had a prolonged rivalry both within and outside the academy due to the diametrical differences in their views on biology and disease pathology. In spite of the fact that Béchamp…

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Olympic Athletes Use Magnesium Spray to Compete for the Gold

Olympic Athletes Use Magnesium Spray to Compete for the Gold

Print this entryMagnesium spray has become a popular supplement among athletes, and its use has been growing in recent years. Athletes participating in the Olympics benefit greatly from the use of magnesium spray in various ways. Better understand how magnesium spray is used by Olympic athletes to enhance their performance, and how it helps them work towards winning the gold medal. 7 Ways Olympians Use Magnesium Spray to Compete for the Gold 1. Increased Muscle and Nerve Function Firstly, magnesium…

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Liquid Magnesium

Liquid Magnesium

Print this entryMagnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions. It is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions, including energy production, protein synthesis, and DNA maintenance. Despite its importance, studies show that up to 50% of the population may be deficient in this vital mineral. This is where liquid magnesium comes in, providing an effective way to increase bodily function and overall health. Liquid magnesium is a highly absorbable form of magnesium that…

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Can You Drink the Water?

Can You Drink the Water?

Print this entryYou’re out of town or out of the country, going on vacation, part of an exploration mission, camping, or hiking, and one of the most important questions you can ask is, “Can you drink the water?” And the best answer is, “Yes,” imperatively followed by, “If you are prepared.” The best preparation we’ve found is Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops.” In the United States, our municipal water supplies are in pretty good condition. There may be additives that…

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If Global Warming Continues… Secrets Revealed

If Global Warming Continues… Secrets Revealed

Print this entry If Global Warming Continues: Secrets Revealed Climate Health Effects Habitats How to Survive Solutions In this exciting review of our earth’s potentially apocalyptic future due to climate change and man’s impact and response to global warming, author Herb “Roi” Richards demystifies the confusing facts and figures to get a glimpse at what is really at stake in earth’s future. Secrets Revealed Richards peels back the layers of information to reveal the secrets lying underneath the media hype…

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Can You Expect a Cure from Your Doctor?

Can You Expect a Cure from Your Doctor?

Print this entryI am not a medical doctor, I am a Doctor of Nutrition, so I look at things from a different perspective than your physician. If you come to me with a problem, I will look at things like what is going on with your body in a different way, like what are you putting in your body and what you are exposing your body to throughout each day of your life. While your medical doctor will collect some…

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Why does FDA approve these poisons to be added to commercial foods and drinks?

Why does FDA approve these poisons to be added to commercial foods and drinks?

Print this entryThe FDA has approved many poisonous food additives that may be questionable that appear in our commercially available food every day, such as 1. Sodium nitrate: Added to processed meats to stop bacterial growth. NOTE: from NutriNeat  – Dangers of Sodium Nitrate Some studies suggested that excessive consumption of NaNO3 through foods can lead to certain types of cancers like gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, colon cancer, etc. This chemical compound may trigger migraine headaches in people…

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Top 10 Signs of Iodine Deficiency

Top 10 Signs of Iodine Deficiency

Print this entryHow do I know if my body has a lack of iodine? Iodine deficiency is a potentially dangerous condition. Did you know that deficiency of iodine causes many diseases? Here are the top 10 signs of iodine deficiency. Top 10 Signs of Iodine Deficiency 1. Hair loss 2. Neck swelling 3. Dry, flaky skin 4. Fatigue and weakness 5. Weight gain 6. Heart rate changes 7. Pregnancy problems 8. Feeling colder 9. Less cognitive 10. Change in periods…

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