Spring Hydration Infused Water Recipies

Spring Hydration Infused Water Recipies

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Hydrating year-round is essential to being as healthy as possible, while water prevents dehydration, gives you energy, and keeps you full between meals. In the spring, it is even more important because the weather is warmer and you spend more time in the hot sun, sweating more and requiring even more hydration. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, why not try infused water?

Blueberry, Lemon, and Mint Infused Water

Combining 2-3 fruits with one of your favorite herbs is a really refreshing and delicious way to create a fruit-infused smoothie. Many berries are in season during the spring and summer months, so blueberries are wonderful for this recipe. You can also go with other berries and a different herb if you want. Some other options include blackberries, strawberries, and blackberries with basil or parsley. Mix and match to figure out the best infused water.

Watermelon and Cucumber Infused Water

Another option for your infused water is to not just use fruit, but vegetables as well. For a vegetable infused water, you need to pick something that is mostly water and that will give a good amount of flavor without weighing down the water. Cucumber is absolutely perfect, since it has a crisp and refreshing taste, but will improve the water flavor instead of ruining it. You can combine it with just about any fruit, but watermelon is
loved in the springtime, so it seemed perfect for this one.

Strawberry, Peach, and Green Apple Infused Water

If you don’t want to use herbs or spices in your water, don’t worry about it! You can pick your favorite fruit combination or any that you have available and put them together. This is not a traditional combination of fruits, but they can all be found in the spring and summer months, are refreshing, and add a nice sweetness to infused water. Make sure when you use fruits like apples and peaches, you remove the skin first and slice them so that you get all those juices on the inside.

How to Make Infused Water

For a good infused water, the fruit and herbs should be placed at the bottom of the pitcher after being sliced, with herbs with muddled to release the flavors and nutrients. Cover the ingredients with filtered water and some ice as well. The longer you keep it stored in the refrigerator before consuming it, the more flavored your infused water will become.

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