Where can we buy raw milk?
If you find yourself reading these lines, that means that you’ve already turned the page in your life and decided to live a healthy life, or it means that you will soon do that. Going the raw milk route is not easy in so many ways, but we encourage you to continue with that. In this case, you want to start using raw milk instead of the industrial milk, milk that you usually find in shops and markets.
While we are talking about it, let’s just mention something about raw milk. This kind of milk is very rich in vitamins; it has an enormous amount of food enzymes and beneficial bacteria. It helps your body to digest and to work in the best possible way. If you want to read a little more about benefits of consuming non-industrial raw milk, we suggest that you go to our previous article: Benefits of Raw Milk
OK, now we have enough information about utilizing raw milk and we are ready to start using it. Here we have our first problem – where can we find it?
You may be thinking that this kind of milk you can find in local groceries shops or markets but don’t be so sure about that. Even though it says on the milk box that that milk is 100% natural, you should know that that’s not true- that and every other milk is pasteurized to give it a longer shelf life. Pasteurization is done with heat which kills the enzymes, vitamins, etc. which are natural to it.
So, where can we find real raw milk? Now, we will give you a list of places from where you can order your fresh milk, depending where you currently live.
If you’re currently in Washington here are some specific places we recommend for finding raw milk:
Old Silvana Creamery LLC
Jim Sinnema and family
1325 Pioneer Hwy E, Arlington WA (0.5 mi W off I-5 Exit 208, first dairy on the right/north side of the road), phone: 425-268-7961
Arlington Health Foods Inc.,
317 N. Olympic, Arlington WA 98223, phone: 360-435-4441.
Raw goat milk available from St. John Creamery
Garden Treasures,
(0.5 mi E of I-5 at Exit 208, Hwy 530), phone: 360 435-9272
And in case you’re from Oregon:
Astoria: Toaheedliinii Farm
Just off Hwy 202 past the fairground, phone: 503-325-1438,
Albany: Midway Farms
6980 Highway 20 NW Albany, OR 97321 541-740-6141,
Ashland: Meyer Creek Family Farm
East Valley View Rd., phone: 541-482-7099.