Vitex for Women

Vitex for Women

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Women makeup a large portion of the human race, yet there are large discrepancies in information regarding the complexities of their bodies. As women go through life, different periods may require specialized nutrition, different levels of activity, hormonal changes, and illnesses that are entirely to particular to the physiology of women. Rather than seeking expensive and ineffective treatments, some women are turning to an old world source that can treat many symptoms and help regulate hormones. This remedy comes in the form of a small brown berry called the chasteberry, also known as vitex.

Improves Fertility

The vitex herb has been used for over 2000 years for its benefits to women. These little berries have been studied in recent years, and much to the surprise of researchers, it turns out that vitax can in fact aid fertility. Much of this effect is owed to the berry’s ability to stimulate the ovaries to produce progesterone. After a short trial, 14% of the women became pregnant, and a little over 50% were found to have better progesterone levels. When the correct hormones are being produced at the correct amounts, the chance for a stable healthy pregnancy becomes more possible. This is really great news for those who are trying to plan families.

Prevents Miscarriage

During pregnancy, there can often be events that are beyond the control of the mother. When a child doesn’t reach full term resulting in a miscarriage, intense feelings of depression and guilt are almost certainly a result. These effects can be very damaging to the woman both physically and emotionally, but even worse, it could create complications with future pregnancies. Vitex can help regulate progesterone so that the pregnancy remains stable. When progesterone stays within the normal healthy levels for a pregnancy, it is a more suitable for the development of a baby.

Reduces Fibroids in the Uterus

Fibroids are benign tumors on the walls of the uterus. These tumors can cause the shape of the uterus to change, and create discomfort for women. Doctors studying fibroids have learned that fibroids can be prevented using a proper mix of hormones. Vitex can help your body to maintain a better equilibrium between progesterone and estrogen.

Control Appearances of Acne

One of the first noticeable signs of hormonal changes are shown on the skin. Some women will even say they feel as though they are going through puberty for a second time. Using vitex to help keep the hormones at their proper levels can prevent a large portion of these skin

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