Ghost Hunters True Ghost Stories
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Describes her experiences with talking to the dead and with a ghost. Just What is a Ghost?
I am not going to speak of metaphysics (the part of philosophy that is concerned with the basic causes and nature of things) or things of a technical nature. Those are better suited for others. Frankly, that level of understanding is well above my pay grade. I write and teach about the things that I have seen, experienced and understand to be true as a Clairvoyant Psychic Medium. My many journeys across the veil have enlightened me to several misconceptions about death and our “Afterlife” taught to me growing up.

To this date, a loving spirit has only asked me once if she was a ghost. This lovely young woman tragically and suddenly lost her life on a plane crash. She was very eager to speak with me, as are most spirits to whom I make a connection. As we were well into our conversation that included messages for her father and her pets, she asked me to describe to her what she looked like as a spirit. “Vibrant and beautiful, just like in the photo I am looking at”, I told her. Most often, a spirit will show the image of themselves, as they appeared when they were happy and healthy in their physical state. Why, you might ask. Because discarded with the physical bodies are age and illness.
Then, with an air of concern, she asked, “Am I a ghost?” There was no question in my mind, she had crossed over and was exactly where she needed to be. “No, my darling, you are a loving spirit”, I told her. I explained that a ghost is a spirit who has not yet advanced in their journey once they have left behind the physical body. There are several reasons to my personal knowledge a spirit is hesitant or resistant to moving forward. The individual may not know they have indeed died. They may not be ready to move forward due to unfinished business. Alternatively, they may simply be angry and in denial about their current state of being.
Last year, I had a connection with a woman who lost her life violently at the hands of another. When I spoke with her, she had already been deceased for a year. To her, it was like yesterday. She was extremely angry that her life had been taken and vowed to remain at the spot of her demise until justice be served. She explained how she did not want to start her new life until the matter of her death has been resolved. She is a ghost, while in spirit she dwells here in the physical realm having chosen not to cross over.

Another example of a ghost is that of a man with whom I connected. From what I was able to see of his face, he was around thirty-five to forty years of age. One side of his face showed to be mangled and unrecognizable. He showed himself in short sleeve, white tee shirt. He held a motorcycle helmet in one hand and a bottle of what appeared to be alcohol in the other. He was extremely agitated and somewhat confused. I asked him to recall the last thing he remembered, he began showing me the images of himself on a motorcycle. He had been in an accident and lost his life. I asked him how long he had been standing here all alone and if I could help him. He asked me if I knew what had happened. I told him, “I believe you are in spirit and have lost physical body in a motorcycle accident”. Then I asked him if anyone had come for him yet. He replied, “Yes, but I sent them away”.

I explained to him that he had indeed lost his life in the accident and that his physical body no longer served him. He was in spirit and needed to continue his journey. He indicated that he understood the situation and was accepting of the hand offered to escort him into his journey. Dazed and confused, unaware of the reality of his situation, this man refused the opportunity to cross over therefore remaining in the physical realm as a spirit, as a ghost.
Sudden, traumatic, and violent deaths of humans and animals are generally causes of refusal to cross over into the light. Lovingly explaining to them that they have died and are free to move forward is often all they need to do so. Unresolved issues are a bit more complicated. Nevertheless, for whatever reason a spirit delays their journey across the veil, I am always honored and grateful to be of service in assisting them in finding their way home.
For more information, see: Supernatural
PS: Please share your ghost stories below.