Common Coinfections of Lyme Disease
For many people who have Lyme disease focus may only be on it, but the fact is that there are a number of common co-infections of Lyme disease that can also cause health issues and make Lyme treatment more complicated.
We have researched that Lyme Disease was created in a government laboratory on Plum Island by taking the disease syphilis and making it easily carried by ticks and other insects. It escaped from the island and appeared as a disease in Lyme, CT, therefore it had a new name. It has taken quite a few years for it to take off and now infects over 300,000 people a year in the US.
Ticks are parasites that live on the blood of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. They are not choosy about who they bite and feed on. That being the case, they can pick up many different bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans all at the same time and pass them all to a human with one single bite. The germs causing the infections are highly contagious and can even be carried by a sneeze or a kiss.
There are a number of tick-borne illnesses in addition to Lyme disease. In about 30% of cases, Lyme patients have been found to be suffering from other infections as well.
The most common tickborne illnesses in the US are:
* Anaplasmosis/ Ehrlichiosis
* Babesiosis
* Bartonella
* Mycoplasma
* Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)
* Tickborne relapsing fever
Let’s look at each of these in turn. (But before reading about this “official” terror story you will be happy to know that there is a simple 50-year-old water purifier solution in a mild strength that will kill all of these germs without hurting the host or causing any bad side effects. This WP solution to Lyme Disease and its co-infection is not liked by Big Pharma or the government agencies that it controls because its a very inexpensive industrial product that is used in tiny doses costing only a few cents. There are all kinds of stories about it being a bleach and is harmful, but they just want your money to buy their pharmaceuticals and to keep you sick. Some European countries use this water purifier to treat their cities’ water supplies. If it was dangerous it would not be used for the public drinking water. It is cheap to take and no one has ever died from its use. A 6-months supply for this water purifier cost only $25. It is logical to see how a water purifier is used to kill the spirochetes of Lyme Disease.) It is a broad-spectrum pathogen assassin and that is why it makes such a good water purifier. You may never know from moment to moment what falls into the source of a water supply. It’s similar when you control Lyme disease; you never know what coinfections you get at the same time and the water purifier doesn’t discriminate, it kills them all.
Anaplasmosis Ehrlichiosis
Anaplasmosis is a form of ehrlichiosis, a family of bacterial diseases. At present, only 2 of these diseases can be tested for. They are commonly carried by the same ticks that carry Lyme.
The symptoms for Lyme may be present, but also:
* Sudden high fever, and in severe cases:
* Low white blood cell count, so the immune system is affected
* low platelet count, so blood clotting is affected
* anemia
* elevated liver enzymes
* kidney failure
* breathing issues.
Anaplasmosis can be fatal in the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. A range of antibiotics can help.
Babesiosis accounts for about one-third of all Lyme coinfections. It is a malarial-like illness that appears similar to Lyme, but with some key differences, which include:
* High fever
* Chill
* Drenching sweats
* Shortness of breath
* Hip pain
* Chest pain
If untreated, it can lead to anemia and renal failure. It can be detected in the blood, but only in the earliest stages of the infection.
Bartonella accounts for about one-third of all Lyme co-infections. It is becoming increasingly common because it can come from many sources, not just ticks, though they are a major vector. It can affect the lining of blood vessels and can cause serious illness, including endocarditis, which can affect the heart.
Early signs of bartonellosis in addition to Lyme symptoms include:

* Poor appetite
* An unusual streaked rash that resembles “stretch marks” from pregnancy
* Swollen glands in the neck and under the arms
* Neurological symptoms such as:
* blurred vision
* numbness in the hands and feet
* memory loss
* balance problems
* trouble walking and
* tremors such as with Parkinson’s disease. A course of several antibiotics can usually clear it up.
Mycoplasma are even smaller than bacteria and invade human cells, interfering with the proper function of the immune system. It causes similar symptoms to Lyme, particularly:
* Fatigue
* Muscle aches
* Joint pain
* Cognitive problems.
Mycoplasmas can be treated effectively with antibiotics, but the water purifier is safer and a lot cheaper to use.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)
This is carried by a number of ticks and can be contracted anywhere in North or South America, not just in the Rocky Mountains. The symptoms in the early stages are like Lyme. The key difference is the distinctive rash that gives it its name. It used to be referred to as ‘black measles. The tick bite site might look black or encrusted as well. It can be fatal if not treated promptly with antibiotics.
Tick-borne relapsing fever
As the name suggestions, a person may fall ill, recover, and then relapse, or become ill again. This pattern forms in a 3 day ill, 7 days well, 3 days’ ill pattern that can go on for weeks or months if it is not treated. The symptoms are similar to Lyme. Whose to say that the same Water Purifier will not kill all of the above bacteria infections as easy as it can be? Take the $25 test. Buy the water purifier product and try it. It only attacks disease in the body. It does not attack healthy tissue.
What if there was a $25 test for Lyme Disease that would allow you to feel better within a couple of weeks?
What is Lyme Disease? How to cure Lyme Disease. Dr. Mark Grenon explains MMS and How this chlorine dioxide solution kills all bacteria and virus, oxidizes heavy metals in the body and kills most fungus such as cancer. Big Pharma is fighting the release of the water purifier because it works and it is dirt cheap — costing only a few pennies per day of usage.
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Lyme Disease Alternative Medicine
For more information contact Leading Edge University or call (360) 748-4426
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