by | May 8, 2018 6:47 am
If you ask someone at age 20, what they consider old there’s a good chance they’re going to say something like 40 (remember being a teenager and thinking 25 sounded like ancient?).
As you reach 30, though, you realize that 40 is nothing. In fact, before you even hit 40 you realize that 60 isn’t even that old. Whether it’s TV shows that convinced us that we should feel a certain way as big birthdays approach or it’s a natural instinct – even though you feel younger than your age, it’s normal to experience… anxiety as you approach the big day.
For many, the actual age isn’t the issue – it’s the prospect of looking older. For the majority, though, there is a sense of devaluing. This new age is suddenly a direct threat to your self-confidence, self-worth, and how you view your place in the world. We often don’t look after ourselves in our 20s (and 30s) so by the time we hit 40 we may be showing more of our age than we feel.
Firstly, 40 truly is the new 30 so bear that in mind as the big day approaches.
By the time, you hit 40 you have loved and lost, experienced public failures, humiliation, and pretty much every emotion there is to experience. Shift your focus away from the sprouting gray hairs that drive you insane and the aches and pains you are more than likely feeling even more prominently now. If you’re ready to give in now you’re going to have a rough ride through your 80s! Life begins at 40 and you should be high-fiving yourself about making it this far relatively unscathed.
Your mindset throughout your 20s and 30s was all to do with building your life. For many, that involves pursuing a career, having a family, buying a home, and maybe having a pet or two. You busily gather up all these puzzle pieces and run yourself ragged to get to where you want to be.
That is still a thing when you hit 40, except now those puzzle pieces are starting to fall into the correct places and the picture of your life is becoming clearer. You have grown in wisdom and knowledge and you have a good idea about when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. You’re not afraid to admit when you’re wrong. You can’t be bothered arguing over silly things or getting caught up in someone’s dramas.
You’re literally the best you possible and that is what your mindset needs to reflect, even if it needs to be reminded from time to time. Your new overriding purpose in life is to do things that are fulfilling. You now understand how frail life is and how short a time we will spend on this earth – a lot of the things that seemed to matter so much in our younger years suddenly seem so silly and wasteful. Material wealth might be nice, but it certainly won’t make you happy.
So, what is a 40s mindset really all about? A healthy self-awakening and the wisdom and confidence to pursue things that will fulfill you. If there are things you want to pursue but you don’t feel confident about doing so then seek advice from women in your life who have been through it all before. Sometimes having extra support is enough to set you free from whatever it is that might be holding you back.
More than anything, though, you should embrace your age and the journey that you’ve had thus far. It isn’t the end; the excitement is just getting started.
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