by | May 21, 2018 6:44 am
Depression is an epidemic that impacts over 21.5 million Americans. Women make up about 13.7 million of that number, making them twice as likely to experience bouts of depression as opposed to men.
In conjunction with biological imbalances, social factors play a major role. In fact, experiencing dissatisfying relationships is one of the leading causes of depression in women. This could be a result of physical or verbal abuse, an unfaithful partner, lack of acceptance, and rejection.
“In part of a recent study, researchers found that women who felt securely attached to their partners were less depressed and happier in their relationships two-and-a-half years later, and also had better memory functions than those with frequent marital conflicts.” (Security of attachment to spouses in late life: Concurrent and prospective links with cognitive and emotional wellbeing; Clin Psychol Sci, et al)
The reality behind controlling depression in women rests on satisfying relationships. whether that stems from romantic partners, friends, or family members, the benefits are all the same. Let’s consider a few reasons behind the link between satisfying relationships and happiness.
A truly satisfying relationship thrives on acceptance. This is not to get confused with tolerating disrespectful behavior. Rather, this mentality places emphasis on allowing each person in the relationship the freedom to be themselves.
Many women experience depression in their relationships because they don’t feel like their friends or partner accept them for who they truly are. Perhaps a past lover tried to change them by criticizing their interests, appearance, or upbringing.
Naturally, this could encourage a hurtful feeling of worthlessness in a relationship. However, when a woman feels the freedom to be her true self, she is able to thrive. Her outlook towards herself will be positively reinforced by the reassurance of others.
Although relying heavily on reassurance from others is unhealthy, it still adds a complement to the relationship. She knows that even at her worst, her support system will not abandon her.
One of the leading causes of divorce is infidelity. Often times, friendships or family bonds dissolve because of a hurtful action. These negative experiences are all examples of a lack of loyalty. When this occurs, the happiness level of your relationship realistically drops. Naturally so! You created a special bond with someone and when they break that, you begin to question your value.
Many women who have experienced infidelity within their relationships may initially blame themselves. Feelings of unworthiness creep in as they compare themselves to the third party. In fact, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy reports that infidelity can cause anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder for both parties involves.
This could even cause a dramatic plunge in self-esteem.
However, when there is a mutual respect present in a relationship, it eliminates opportunities for distress. In addition to eliminating stress, relationships with a high level of trust and assurance are reportedly happier. They feel no need to look to others for their fulfillment. Women, in particular, will experience feelings of blissful delight when they don’t have to worry about the behavior of their mate.
Communication can alter a relationship drastically especially in women. It’s no secret that men and women have different communication styles. Research has shown that women converse with others in order to build a connection. As opposed to men, women communicate through feelings and social cues while men focus primarily on information.
This disconnect could lead to issues within a relationship. When a woman feels that her mate doesn’t value what she says, it can create discomfort. In severe circumstances, it may cause anxiety and even depression.
However, when a woman feels that she is able to open to up her friends or mate through honest communication, she ultimately experiences satisfaction. She feels that her opinions are valued, and a connection is created. Even when misunderstandings occur, she knows she can express her sentiments without judgment.
The positive psychology program defines satisfaction as, “happiness that exists when we think about our lives as a whole, looking at the big picture.” As mentioned, women connect through feelings and emotions. When they are in a relationship and they don’t see it going anywhere, they may wonder, “what’s the point?” Stagnant partners, a loss of connection, or even differing goals could contribute to a lack of satisfaction. Depressive symptoms could occur which lead to feelings of disappointment.
When a woman meets someone, who is on the same page as her, their relationship will thrive. Feelings of immaturity will be lessened, and they will be able to support one another. Finding these commonalities will lessen the symptoms of depression and heighten feelings of fulfillment.
Depression is a debilitating disorder that impacts the lives of many women. However, establishing fulfilling interpersonal relationships is a means to cope and ultimately overcome depression. Through acceptance, trust, effective communication, and mutual understanding, satisfying relationships can help to stave off depression!
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