Natural Alternatives vs. Traditional Medicine

by | December 3, 2016 7:07 am

Naturopathy Versus Conventional Medicine

The digital age came upon us and brought us to an ever changing landscape of medical innovations. From the most advanced medical procedures to the breadth of health knowledge systems available to patients and physicians alike, our current state of medical affairs are offering us formerly unimaginable ways of dealing with a host health issues and conundrum.


Yet this very same digital age we are in also exposed us to the caveat of modernity: The more we imbibe our modern lifestyle, the more we veer away from a holistic sense of our being. We improve on certain aspects of our existence yet we seem to extinguish some other equally important aspects of our lives.

A Sicker Society

Take the issue of stress for example. We live in a fast-paced world of knowledge production, sharing and absorption but we often find ourselves at a loss on how to deal with everyday stressors and hazards that keep us from functioning the best way we could. Truth be told, there’s a high price to pay for our newfound ways, and we pay that price by damaging our health.

While modern conventional medicine has given us means to alleviate our suffering, even a cure to almost all our woes, we are faced with the fact that we are a society that is fast becoming sicker and sicker.

Sure, traditional medicine has a name for much of the afflictions we encounter, but does it really have a cure for everything?

And if ever this everything is just an arms width away from traditional medicine in the digital age, then why are alternative modes of healing gaining in popularity, often earning a loyal base even among those who have the means to consult with conventional physicians?

Downside of Traditional Medicine

Conventional medicine is obsessed with putting afflictions and health conditions in nifty boxes. Women who experience this set of symptoms, proceed to Box A for your medication. Men who face this kind of affliction, get your medicines from Box B. Come back for a checkup after five days and we’ll see if you can move on to Box C or Box D. A cure for a symptom, and this sounds all too familiar.

Unfortunately, traditional medical healing makes us question our body’s own abilities to overcome afflictions. We are made to rely on pills and medical procedures that invade not only our bodies but also promotes a doubtful stance on our capacity to heal.

We were told every individual is different, so why is conventional medicine lumping us all together?

It may very well be just a feeling, but that feeling is something that is shared by many who have sought alternative healing practices or altogether shunned away from traditional medicine.

Upside of Natural Alternatives

One such alternative that a growing number of people have turned to is naturopathic medicine, a holistic medical system that believes in the healing power of nature.

Natural alternatives are based on the science of knowing the different and unique aspects of an individual and developing the healing capacity of the human body.

This alternative medicine uses a wide range of natural and non-invasive treatments such as herbalism, homeopathy, massage and acupuncture, as well as nutrition and lifestyle transformation to restore a patient’s psychological, physiological and chemical balance.

Our modern existence expose us to different negative health factors such as stress, pollution, poor diet and other unhealthy lifestyle patterns.

Naturopathy as such employs a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, thus addressing and correcting several factors that come into play to degrade our health rather than treating only the physical manifestations of diseases and health conditions.

The diagnostic and therapeutic practice of naturopathy is guided by six core principles, namely:

The healing power of nature

Obstacles to healing and restoration must be removed through natural treatments to facilitate and enhance the human body’s inherent ability to heal.

Identify and treat the cause

The underlying physical, mental or emotional causes of an illness must be treated rather than just the symptoms or the external manifestations of internal imbalances.

First do no harm

Use methods and medicinal substances that are gentle, effective, non-invasive, do not have harmful side effects and do not adversely suppress symptoms.

Doctor as teacher

The primary role of naturopathic physicians is to educate, empower and motivate patients in exercising greater self-responsibility towards their health.

Treat the whole person

Treat patients based on individual factors that are physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental and genetic in nature. Treat specific symptoms that define the patient rather than general symptoms that define the illness.


Disease prevention is key and naturopathic physicians should assess a patient’s susceptibilities to disease in order to make necessary interventions in diet and lifestyle.

Naturopathy is often cited to effectively manage and treat chronic conditions such as:

• Digestive diseases
• Respiratory problems
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Chronic fatigue
• Hormonal problems
• Chronic pain
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Diabetes

Because of its holistic approach to health and wellbeing and its personalized style of diagnostics and treatment, naturopathy is often successful in treating chronic conditions that do not respond well to conventional medicine.

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