Mindful Eating

by taylorevance@gmail.com | January 7, 2018 6:59 am

How to Stop Stress Eating with Mindfulness

Implementing mindfulness into our everyday lives is a great way to increase our awareness, gratitude, and positivity. Practicing mindfulness allows us to feel grounded and present to overcome stressors and burdens. Another great advantage of mindfulness is to benefit your health and eating habits. It’s so easy to lose sight of healthy habits between stress and the influx of indulgent treats. Here are some practical ways to approach mindful eating, to help you enjoy the holiday season without overeating.

Mindful Eating


Take Your Time

So often we rush into our celebrations and get caught up in the chaos. By taking time to be present and appreciate the things around you, you can catch your breath and be intuitive about your meal. As you sit down for your meal at your family gathering, stop and reflect on your company-take a brief moment to think something positive about each person at the table with you. Appreciate the decorations and family traditions surrounding your meal. Enjoy how your food looks- maybe the gravy and turkey, or the delectable pies and cakes. Enjoy this time during your meal and in between bites, savoring your food and respecting when you’re full. By paying special attention to how your body’s feeling, you can set your limits without being deprived.

Plan Ahead

If eating nutritiously is your goal, make sure there will be dishes that serve this purpose.

If not, offer to bring your own. Fruit salads or winter veggie bakes are delicious and easy ways to complement a meal. Choose to focus on foods that serve your body and your goals. If there’s something on your plate that you don’t absolutely savor-skip it. Eating mindlessly is an unfulfilling and unnecessary habit.

Treat Yourself

If after your meal you want dessert, never deprive yourself. Assess how you feel: Are you too full or lethargic? Or do you truly crave something sweet? Deprivation can lead to binging or negative thinking- it’s better to treat yourself and celebrate for the holidays while applying the same rules of portion size and fullness. Enjoying holiday delicacies is often a much-anticipated part of family traditions – if that is the case for you, embrace this happiness without stifling it! Nutrition is about healthy balance, and being mindful of your delicious dessert now can keep you on track for the future.

Mindfulness is an excellent tool for your lifestyle in many ways, especially when it comes to stress management and healthy habits. Using mindfulness as health motivation is a great way to practice your mindfulness and reach your wellness goals.

Use these tips to be present, healthy, and happy this holiday season.

  1. [Image]: https://alternativeresourcesdirectory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Mindful-Eating.jpg

Source URL: https://alternativeresourcesdirectory.com/news/mindful-eating