by | April 12, 2018 7:21 am
There have been many studies carried out that compare between married vs single life, especially when it comes to health. And while being healthy depends on many factors, being married can boost your health and even add years to your life.
It’s interesting how many studies there are on how much married men are healthier both on the mental and physical fronts than their single counterparts.
“The differentials between married and unmarried men are pretty remarkable in terms of overall health and life expectancy,” says Susan Brown, co-director of the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.
One recent study, carried out at New York University’s Lagone Medical Center, shows that married couples had a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who are single. It’s believed that this is because of the emotional support married couples offer one another and enjoy emotional as well as physical intimacy.
Married couples also have deeper social ties to family. All these factors can reduce blood pressure levels which play a large role in the overall health of the heart.
Dr. Robin Simon, sociology professor at Wake Forest University, writes in her article on mental health which was published in Psychiatry Weekly that, “Studies document a robust relationship between marriage and improved mental health.”
Married people report significantly fewer symptoms of depression and are significantly less likely to abuse substances than their non-married counterparts. This is because marriage provides social support — including emotional, financial, and instrumental support. Also, married people have greater psychosocial (or coping) resources than the non-married — higher self-esteem and greater mastery.”
One of the benefits of being married is that people recover much quicker from surgery, illnesses and injuries since they have someone there to ease them out of it and take care of them. This is also true for difficult times, like work or money problems.
Married people experience less stress because they have a stable support system and an outlet for their fears and worries. Having someone to talk to goes a long way to releasing stress, and sex is also a known stress reliever.
At Harvard, researchers found once someone gets married, they tend to let themselves go when it comes to staying in shape and overall physical appearance. It’s likely that this is the result of settling into a comfortable, daily routine with the same person and the importance of looks doesn’t take precedence as before since they’re off the market.
However, there is also evidence that married couples encourage each other to keep up with healthy routines such as choosing healthy foods over not-so-healthy, going on regular check-ups, taking dietary supplements and exercising. At the same time, they discourage each other from drinking, smoking and other bad habits.
The give and take that is typical of a healthy relationship is a factor in building your self-worth. It doesn’t just feel good to have people on your side, it feels great when you’re on someone else’s side, too. It provides your life with purpose and meaning.
About 80 years Harvard began a landmark study called, The Harvard Study Of Adult Development. George Vaillant, Psychiatrist and one of the current researchers in the Harvard Study says, “When the study began, nobody cared about empathy or attachment. But the key to healthy aging is relationships, relationships, relationships.”
As the Harvard Women’s Health Watch reported, “Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.”
While the benefits of being married have been studied and researched, the truth is that none of it holds up if the relationship isn’t rock-solid and genuine. The key to better aging and living longer is healthy relationships, which bring happiness, joy, and support to the individuals involved.
See also: Marriage is Good Medicine[2]
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