by | June 3, 2016 8:02 am
Marijuana, weed, pot, call it as you want, consists from 400 chemical things that have antibacterial, relaxing or hallucinatory effects. Main ingredient is THC but just for comparison, skunk consists three times more THC than dried marijuana.
Marijuana is mostly used for it’s relaxing effect. The most often way of using is mixing with tobacco and making a joint. It can be smoked in a pipe or even can be mixed with some herbal tea of with food (you probably know about famous cannabis cookies).
has small hallucinatory effect and because of that can cause distorted picture of reality
has stimulating effect on some people and awakes creativity in their minds
makes her consumer talkative and cheerful
raises appetite for her consumer
There are a lot of researches about marijuana- whether can or can’t be used for medical purposes. The biggest problem here is that marijuana has a lot of ingredients, so it is very difficult to clearly determine how to use it effectively and safely. A strong scientific background is missing, but research and experience identify certain benefits of cannabis. For instance, the cannabis can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Drugs used for cancer are among the strongest and often cause successive vomiting. Marijuana alleviates this negative action and makes life easier for other patients. Multiple sclerosis is another disease in which the cannabis extract can be useful, although studies have not confirmed this.
Numerous combination studies of THC and cannabidiol (CBD) have established that these compounds alleviate spasms in patients with multiple sclerosis. It is also interesting that the participants said that they felt that cannabis reduces their tremors, although the effect was obviously only a subjective nature – scientists have not recorded it. Some studies also show that CBD reduces seizures.
One Scripps Research Institute study found that THC prevents the formation of plaques in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. THC blocks AChE enzyme which accelerates the formation of a precipitate effective than conventional drugs. It also prevents the formation of agglomerates of protein which inhibit the memory of patients. Cannabinoid can prevent or slow the development of Alzheimer’s disease and by reducing the amount of the protein tau. Similar to the action of marijuana has been found in other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s.
Columbia University study from 2007 found that inhalation of cannabis increases the appetite of people affected by HIV / AIDS. Another study conducted at the San Diego School of Medicine, University of California from 2008 revealed that the drug significantly reduces neuropathic pain in diseases associated with HIV.
According to studies California Pacific Medical Institute in 2007 and 2010. The CBD inhibits the spread of breast cancer by regulating organism, that blocks the action of ID1 gene that is responsible for formation of metastases.
The list of diseases for which a positive effect of marijuana is mainly based on the former patient experiences. These diseases or symptoms are the following:
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