How to Use Nutmeg

by | November 28, 2017 7:26 am

When you think of the flavors of fall, nutmeg is bound to come up. It goes perfectly with other fall spices like allspice, cinnamon, and ginger, and there are loads of ways to use it. It also happens to be good for you, with a long list of health benefits. Here are some different ways to use nutmeg during the fall season.

How to Use Nutmeg

How to use nutmeg[1]
How to use nutmeg

Make Baked Dishes

Nutmeg is commonly used in sweet and savory dishes, often with your baked goods. This spice is used alongside other spices when making baked goods in the fall, such as cupcakes, cookies, cakes, and pies. The fall is the perfect season for making all your spiced baked goods, from pumpkin spice cupcakes to apple pie and snickerdoodle cookies. Nutmeg is wonderful next to other spices like cinnamon, cloves, and even cardamom. Allspice is often used alongside nutmeg in these baked dishes as well.

Add Spice to Savory Dishes

While these spices are often used for baked goods, which tend to be on the sweeter side, you can definitely use nutmeg for your savory dishes as well. Try tasting nutmeg on its own, which has more of a nutty flavor than the other fall spices, which gives you a good idea of what dishes it would go perfect with. Try adding a little nutmeg to your soup, stew or chili to warm you up on a chilly night, or try adding it to dishes like lasagna or spaghetti. Some Mexican cuisine can also use a little nutmeg as you experiment with the various flavors you use in the kitchen. Nutmeg also happens to go great with many different vegetable dishes.

Make Sweet and Spiced Morning Drinks

You can try making some fall drinks for the morning or cold evenings by adding spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves. These spices are wonderful when added to your coffee or tea, chai latte, and even your spiced hot chocolate. If you want something cold, you can also use nutmeg and other spices to make a spiced apple cider.

Health Benefits of Nutmeg

Nutmeg isn’t just delicious and easy to add to your foods and drinks, but it is good for you. Nutmeg has many health benefits from helping to reduce pain in your body to improving your digestive system. It also helps with detoxifying your body and improving your oral health. As you can see, there are many reasons to use nutmeg during the fall!

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