by | May 6, 2018 7:00 am
Relationships are one of the most important aspects of our lives. In fact, we could go as far as to say that relationships are crucial to our wellbeing, as our lives revolve around the people that we socialize with, have an impact on and live with.
Relationships are fragile things. If you don’t pay attention to them and do the necessary footwork, you can find them dwindling away, and to be less fulfilling than when you place a focus on their nurture and care.
Yes, listen! It couldn’t be much simpler than that. Many relationships struggle because of a lack of listening in many forms. The issue a man may have with listening attentively is the “macho” nature of the male existence.
According to Los Angeles based psychologist Herb Goldberg, PhD, “There’s a darker aspect of masculinity, a tendency to withdraw, to be impatient and short-fused,” and she also mentions “A lot of it is unconscious, not done intentionally, and it is deeply rooted and difficult to change.”
Now … both genders must be sure to make decisions and agree to do so. This is also key because one person taking control all the time could lead to frustration.
So, make sure to listen to your partner!
This could be an obvious reason for a lack of closeness in a relationship with your significant other, friends or relatives. Technology has come a long way and yes… it makes things (Even communication) a lot easier in certain situations but easier is not always better.
Researchers from Oxford University found that marriages were less satisfying when technology was used too much to communicate. So, a good way to combat this issue would be expressing oneself in person, with real emotion and face to face interaction (Quality time if you must)!
Ahhh… quality time. Very important in maintaining relationships because the more you put into something, the more you’ll get out of it. It’s all about the Effort!
Plan for alone time, romantic activity (even sexually), stay in contact (be a good friend), schedule family outings; commitment in your relationships will allow for better communication and RELATIONSHIPS!
Oh, and while you’re having that quality time, make sure you express your appreciation for that person/s.
Well you knew we would get to the financial side of things and we did for good reason! I’m sure you have heard the saying “Money is the root of all evil.” Well this can sometimes be true (Especially for married couples) when money is not being discussed and/or there is no structure in managing funds for any situation.
U.S. News and World Report pointed out that “having the money discussion early is one of the best ways to create common savings goals.” This is true because you may think twice about joining up with someone that is not on the same page. So, plan to have regular discussions!
Nothing is worse than two people that can never agree on anything! Be that interests, morals, opinions etc.
Being around someone that is not supportive of anything you do or limits your life goals is very difficult in fact.
A Forbes article titled “The 7 Benefits To Open-Mindedness” goes into detail about letting go of control and a welcoming change, which are the key benefits to open-mindedness.
Don’t forget to use this information to pay attention to any types of relationships in order to improve them!
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