How To Avoid The Major Cause Of Death

by | September 2, 2017 5:34 pm

What is the cause of death?


There are basically four causes of death:

  1. Accidents & Intentional Injuries (Suicide, Violence, War)
  2. Poisons, Toxic Chemicals (Drugs, etc.)
  3. Lack of Essential Minerals and Nutrients (Premature death, Disease and Old Age)
  4. Medically Caused Deaths (there are 1,000 patients killed everyday by MD’s and hospitals)


What we call old age is not a valid cause of death as we have been told. It’s a proven fact that all deaths by natural causes can be traced to a mineral / nutritional deficiency! There are 60+ minerals your body must have in various quantities to be able to maintain and repair its self. These minerals are no longer available in food due to modern farming methods, so you must supplement for continued health and comfort. Even if you eat organically the soil that grows your food is lacking the necessary minerals to make your body live longer. That’s why we need to supplement our diet with these mineral products.


You probably already know that there is no better way to disseminate and distribute vitamins and minerals than suspended in liquid. Liquid vitamins/liquid minerals are the only way to go. They are easy to take each day — just put a scope into a glass of spring water twice a day!
Read more at:[1]

These necessary minerals that are easy to assimilate are available at a reasonable price in this package below, as well as other important nutrients. Today’s food does not contain the 90+ minerals and essential nutrients necessary to maintain a healthy body much less heal a sick person.

Sheep Cured of Fibromyalgia By Adding One Single Mineral

In 1957 it was discovered by veterinarians that Fibromyalgia could be cured by one injection of a supplement in sheep. In the animal world, these animal doctors have treated a disease similar to fibromyalgia called stiff lamb disease, also known as white muscle disease. Sheep from this large flock were dying in numbers. An autopsy was conducted and it was found that the herd of sheep had a mineral deficiency. The farm owner lined up all the remaining sheep in a chute where the vet could easily give each animal a shot of Selenium. The disease went away immediately!

sheep cured of Fibromyalgia[2]
sheep cured of Fibromyalgia

Wonderful article on Selenium is:  Anxiety and Depression Diets
Read more at:[3]

We all need these 90 minerals and vitamins every day. It is not too late to start supplementing your body and you will feel the difference within a couple weeks. These products below were formulated by a Naturopathic doctor who spent over 20 years doing autopsies of 17,500 zoo animals and 3,300 people finding that all deaths except accidents were caused or aided by a mineral deficiency. Why aren’t we told about this?

You can sign up here and join our family wellness team.  These supplement are formulated into canisters of powder where you mix a small scope with a glass of water to drink the 90 nutrients every day. Also some of the liquid nutrients come in 32 oz bottles where you drink an ounce a day. It is quick and easy to drink ’em down.

By joining and taking the mineral/nutrient rich Healthy Body Pak for 3 months you will feel and see a difference in your body mind and spirit! People have terrible food cravings because the body is looking for the 90 essential minerals and nutrients, but it not finding the ones lacking in normal diets.

Where to buy these mineral products online?[4]

Join us and we’ll show you how to start receiving free minerals each month…

You can refer others using you own website when you join, and receive monthly incomes while you are helping them get over disease — because they are lacking valuable minerals and vitamins.

Help others live longer and happier.

Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2[5]
Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2

Healthy Body Start Pak™ – Original

If you already eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle this is the kit for you! Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition and includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine® – 420g canister (1), EFA PLUS™- 90 soft gels (1) and Beyond Osteo-fx™ – 32 oz – SKU: 10245     $123.00 package of 3 items plus shipping.

Want to make money with your home business?  Sign up with the Megs Packs for $499!

Your upline is:

Titan Management Co (ID 101922699) —

Taylore Vance  —  We are under Brenda (who is an associate to Dr. Glidden in video below)

1673 S. Market #143

Chehalis, WA 89532   Tel. 360-748-4426  ~~Write or call us for a free CD…

  2. [Image]:
  5. [Image]:

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