Fruitify Your Smoothies

by | August 28, 2018 7:05 am

Have you been looking for a fast and easy breakfast that you can take on the go? The breakfast sandwich at a fast food place might be tempting, but a wrong move and you could find yourself experiencing too seriously rough heartburn, not to mention the harmful chemicals and fats that they contain.


A better option would be to whip yourself up a smoothie! There are a variety of great choices available, and you can get them in frozen bags as well, but if you don’t know which ones you should use, you will find some info in the following article.


[2]These little blue fruits have made thousands and thousands of lists on healthy fruit. Blueberries are widely known for their antioxidant properties, and they have a great flavor that would make any drink taste amazing. They’re also filled with tons of chemicals that can break down the free radicals that can cause harmful effects. One of the most interesting details is that blueberries have been found to contain a phytochemical that suppresses the growth of cancer cells.


[3]These sweet solid fruits have a wonderful flavor, and they’re full of the important vitamin C. Peaches are also a great source of a few B vitamins like folate. The potassium content of peaches is high enough to have a profound effect on the circulatory system. Potassium helps your body to regulate blood pressure, and it can also keep your body from developing a condition that results in bone loss. The high fiber content in peaches makes it a staple among those who are looking for great digestive health.


[4]The chemical lycopene is one of the most important chemicals for people today. Lycopene is present in many fruits and vegetables, but the tomato has a particularly accessible store locked within its juicy flesh. Lycopene is a chemical that helps the body to fight again the damage that is caused by the hours of onslaught during daylight hours. It also reduces any free floating fats that may be in your bloodstream. Studies have shown that lycopene i sable to improve circulation by a measurable degree.


[5]Cherries are one of the most interesting fruit on this list. Cherries are intensely antioxidant, and have a wide range of chemicals that can help stabilize your sleep schedule, as well as fight off cancer causing damage in the body. Their anti-inflammatory benefits of cherries have been documented as having enough successful tests to revival aspirin.

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