by | August 31, 2018 6:58 am
Gut health is a majorly important to every living thing on the planet. When you’re feeling
ill in the stomach, it’s almost impossible to enjoy anything. Nausea of any magnitude
can cancel your fun plans with friend and loved ones, but how can you stop that from
happening? Many would run immediately to the store to get some sort of medication to
combat their nausea, but other savvy tea drinkers have been in on a secret for years,
and today the flow of information makes these secrets available to greater number of
curious health seekers. Now, you can know how to drink tea to heal your gut.
In ancient times, fennel seeds were associated with gut health. Ancient doctors and
medicine men would grind or crush the fennel seeds to avail their patients of hunger
pains, treatments for poisonings, and all manner of ailments. Today, you can see
fennel’s presence in recipes aimed at settling the stomach. In some cultures, fennel is
used to prevent indigestion, and is often nearby and ready to be eaten at the end of a
meal. Fennel can also prevent flatulence, which can put a stop to an embarrassing
incident in a public eating area. It’s no wonder that someone once said that fennel could
soothe men’s worries.
This pretty little flower has been known to help the stomach for over 2000 years. People
of the past used this flower to create drinks that were used to treat fevers and nausea,
and it was quite effective. A lot of this positive effect comes from chamomile anti-
inflammatory properties. Inflammation in the gut is one of the primary causes of
stomach discomfort, so the elimination of that inflammation would result in a more
tolerable experience. Chamomile is also very relaxing. Stress can aggravate acid
production in the gut, and cause damage to your digestive tract. A little relaxation, and
the anti-inflammatories in chamomile make it a great tea to have during tough times.
It’s amazing to think about the large stretches of time that species of plants have been
on this planet. Peppermint has been found in archaeological digs that contain artifacts
that are over 10,000 years old. This little green leafy plant has earned its place among
people for its antispasmodic properties, and its soothing flavors. It’s also great at
dissipating nausea before it becomes too severe, so if you’re feeling a little green, reach
for a cup of peppermint tea. Your stomach will thank you.
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