Don’t Ignore These Symptoms of Heart Disease

by | December 2, 2018 7:27 am

As a disease, heart disease currently operates as the most significant killer of both women and men in the United States. Women present heart attack symptoms differently from men, so this poses a challenge for many physicians. But women can take their health into their own hands and learn about their heart attack symptoms. By doing this, they can reduce their risk and get help if and when a heart attack comes.


The Heart Attack Symptoms That Women Experience

Many women experience some discomfort or pain in the chest, which can signal the onset of a heart attack. But chest pain may not even act as the most severe heart attack symptom for women. Many women who have a heart attack may not even experience any pressure or discomfort in their chest at all. While men experience chest pain as their most prominent symptom, women may experience other severe symptoms, like the following:

Dizziness or lightheadedness
Nausea or vomiting
Neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back, or abdominal support
Pain in the arms
Shortness of breath
Unusual fatigue

Women tend to seek medical help after a heart attack because many of the listed symptoms don’t usually get matched with a heart attack. Also, a lot of women tend to dismiss their symptoms. If you have any of the listed symptoms and think it might mean a heart attack, call for emergency help ASAP. Get another person to drive you to the emergency room unless you have run out of options.

The Risk Factors of Heart Disease That Affect Women

While certain risk factors for heart disease – like obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure – affect both genders, other factors on the following list may affect women more than men. Some of these risk factors include some of the following conditions:



Women tend to be less physically active than men


Mental health and depression: Studies show that the hearts of women get affected by depression and stress more than men

Pregnancy complications

The presence of diabetes or high blood pressure in the mother can cause the development of heart disease in the woman

Who Should Worry About Developing Heart Disease?

Every woman should take heart disease seriously. Younger women with a family history of heart disease should take special care of their health.

What Can We Do to Lower Our Heart Disease Risk?


Eat a diet that is low in sugars, trans and saturated fats, and salt

Stay at a healthy weight

Quit smoking or don’t start a smoking habit

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