by | November 20, 2018 7:50 pm
What does dehydrated really mean? I know we’ve all been taught it means we need to drink more water, but that teaching causes us to miss the point. We are actually low on elemental hydrogen and oxygen but no one ever mentions that because our body is supposed to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen to keep us hydrated and healthy. With our modern electronic and chemical pollution those natural body mechanisms no longer work efficiently.
Now; a person can drink gallons of water and not become hydrated. Fortunately there is a solution! I’m going to go slightly into the history of the solution so you’ll understand that it’s scientific and not just someone’s misinformation or fake news.
In the 1960s William Rhodes in the US patented and electrolyzer that would produce this simple un-separated gas from water called HHO or Browns gas which it turns out is just like what our body is supposed to extract from the water we drink. It’s called browns gas after Yull Brown who worked to popularize the equipment to make HHO from about 1974 on in Australia and China.
The bottom line is that it’s now possible to rehydrate your body back to health without drinking hundreds of gallons of water.
Now I want to tell you about some of the results that can happen when our bodies are fully hydrated. Hydration may be assimilated at least three simple ways that I’m aware of.
1. Bubble HHO gas through water and drink it. [HHO gas is lighter than air]
2. run a small plastic tube to a breathing cup and breathe that hydrogen/oxygen mixture.
3. Put your plastic tube in the bottom of a large plastic bag that your body will fit in and absorb the HHO gas through your skin. [Lots of hard to heal wounds and surgeries have been treated this way and the results seem miraculous.]
Following are a few people who have quickly received noticeable results. Most of these treatments were done in a traditional clinical setting, but the treatments are so simple they can be done anywhere by simply plugging a personal HHO generator into any 110 V outlet. The only caution I have observed is not to do it late in the day because I become too energized to sleep well.
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