by | May 30, 2018 4:31 pm
Moving toward us is a large, body of dolphins; seemingly hundreds of them jumping playfully; playfully yes, but with purpose, moving in and out of the water.
For meditation and psychic connection purposes I have constructed a space where energy is able to form into meaningful words, images and actions. My imaginary world contains a cottage, a beach, a lake, a creek with a footbridge and an open grassy field. I speak of this imaginary world in detail in my GALE STEIN PSYCHIC ADVENTURES[1] book and story collection, available on[2].
This morning While on the bluff praying in my imaginary world, a dove perched on my hand. I asked the dove if it had a message for me or if there was anything I could do for it. In a deep, distant, voice it said, “You are stronger than you think, use your strength.” I thanked the dove and placed my outstretched hand behind my back. When I brought my hand forward I had a palm full of live grubs. I offered the dove the grubs, and watched happily as it enjoyed my gift, the gift I gave to him in return for his message.
To my right lays the open pasture of thick green grass. I stated my intention to supply the ground with an abundance of grubs for many others to enjoy. Soon hundreds of doves filled the green pasture enjoying the bountiful feast. I visually scan my immediate surroundings for anything else that may need my attention.
Directly ahead of me is the creek crossable by a small footbridge. Across the footbridge is my small cottage. To my right is the green field now full of dining doves. Behind me is the blue, freshwater lake, abundant with fish and surrounded by tall evergreen trees. To my left is the cliff that drops down to the Caribbean blue ocean. It is here I notice I have visitors.
A person who feels like a male energy holds an inflatable multi-colored beach ball. A golden retriever dances in the bright, white sand barking, pleading to the man to throw the ball, encouraging the man to continue playing this well-known game. Knowing that I must go down to the beach, I make my way down the narrow trail that leads from the top of the bluff to the sandy beach. The sugar white, soft, warm sand feels heavenly under my bare feet. The breeze is ever so slight, the sky is perfectly blue and cloudless. Each step brings me closer to the man and playful dog. The dog continuously barks at the ball, wanting it, willing it to leave the man’s hands so he can chase it and perhaps retrieve it. Although I don’t know how this can happen as the ball is much too large to fit into the dog’s mouth.
Finally, the ball leaves the man’s hands, sails in an upward arch, catches a bit of wind, appearing to take forever, an eternity, to land on the sandy beach where it gently rolls toward the ocean. The dog chases after the ball as it travels into the water. Following the ball into the sea the dog joyfully splashes around the ball until he successfully, using his head, nudges the ball back onto the beach.
Now aware of my presence the dog takes his place next to the man, they both wait in anticipation as I draw near. The man greeted me by saying, “We were wondering how long it would take you to come down here.” His tone was genuinely friendly as was the dog; his eagerness to greet me was displayed by his dance around my feet. The man shows himself to be middle age, average stature, clean shaven and medium brown hair trimmed above his ears. He says, “It’s a nice day to hang out on the beach, I’m surprised there aren’t more people here.”
I replied with, “There are times it is not meant for other people to be here. Might I ask what brings you here today?” The Golden Retriever lays at my feet, knowing that his job is done, for now anyway. The man looks out into the vast ocean while he makes his reply, “I’m on a journey, there is no particular place I aim to be, I seem to be merely wondering in hopes of discovering my purpose. I’m sure there is something I am to do, I have not yet discovered it. I travel around, see new places and make new friends like my buddy here.”
I ask the man if the dog travels with him, I ask the question but I am fully aware of the dog’s purpose and mission. The dog is a guide, the Golden Retriever and I have known each other for several years, we have often worked together. When I see the Golden Retriever, I know that he has ushered a lost soul to me.
I ask the man what he does on his journeys and if he always travels alone, the man replies, “I always travel alone; do you know where you are going?” he asks me. “I believe so, I believe I am on the right path, I feel quite certain that where I am now, is where I am supposed to be at this time.” I replied. The man nods in agreement and says, “It must feel good to know that you are home.” I ask the man if he wishes to be home, he replies, “Perhaps, but what I wish more is that I understood my purpose”. I say to the man, “have you asked to be shown what your purpose is or to be told what your purpose is?” The man laughs and says, “ask, who do I ask?”
My response to him is, “Do you feel like you travel alone, do you feel that there is no higher power, do you feel like you have no friends?” I look down at the dog and continue querying the man. “don’t you think it’s odd, your buddy here is following you around from place to place, and that sometimes he just happens to show up out of nowhere. Describe the place that you are looking for, the destination that you continue moving toward but never seem to arrive at.” The man replies, “there will lots of peach trees with a dark blue, night sky filled with stars. I truly feel that is where I am supposed to be. Perhaps once I get there I will figure out what I am meant to do. I must keep moving until I find that place, my home.”
I respond with, “Perhaps there is something you are supposed to do before you can find your way home. And perhaps your canine friend is trying to show you the way, trying to guide you and help you. But I wonder; are you paying attention, are you listening?”
Just then I see some movement out of the corner of my eye. I look out into the ocean to see a large body of dolphins, seemingly hundreds of them jumping playfully, playfully yes, but with purpose, moving in and out of the water. “Look”, I say, pointing out into the ocean. The dog stands to attention and runs down toward the water, eyes fixed on this huge mass of dolphins moving toward us, like a wave. Jumping out and then back down into the water; each at different times, not in sync, but still as one body, as one contained mass moving toward us.
I wonder if there is danger for them. Am I inviting fear where there should be none? I say to the man, “let’s go down to the water, we must find out why they are coming, we must save them from beaching themselves.” The man replies, “Why do you want to go to all that trouble, why don’t you just wait to see what they are going to do.” I tell him, “Would you not want to warn them that there is danger ahead if they continue on this path?” the man says, “I suppose so, but how are we going to do that?” “Do you truly care?” I ask the man. Sheepishly the man says, “I guess, but what can I do about it. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen.” It was then that I knew, this is why he hasn’t found his way home. And I stated so aloud, “this is why you haven’t found your way home, you just don’t believe that you can. When is the last time you did something for someone else? Whether or not you succeed or you fail is not as important as whether or not you try.”
As we are discussing this, the body of dolphins is getting dangerously close. They are sure to perish if they reach the shore. I ask the man, “Do you have any idea of how to save these dolphins, to get them to turn back toward the open ocean?” The man says, “No!” I tell him, “Maybe we can scream and wave our arms. We can get the dog to bark and scare them back into the ocean. Get them to choose the path of least resistance as we make ourselves a barrier to the shore. We can make ourselves grow large and become many, blocking their access to the shore. We don’t have much time and we need to try, let’s do it!”
With a tone of aggravation, the man asks, “How are we going to do that?” With a sense of urgency, I explain to the man, “All you need to do is believe that you can and visualize yourself doing it. Follow my lead.”
The dog and I run out to waist deep water, I will myself to become physically larger and of many. I yell and splash about in the water. The dog becomes many dogs and multiplies into a dozen dogs that continue to grow physically larger. The dog runs back and forth, barking, “Danger, danger, turn back”, we say. We make noise, wave and splash about. We continue to make ourselves massive in size as we move farther into the ocean. We become a barrier that the dolphins can sense. I cry out, “You must turn around, you are going to hit a wall.”
The man who has been standing alone, watching us, finally walks toward the water. Then as if the decision has been made, he runs into the ocean, flailing his arms about and yelling, “Move back, move back.” He then becomes two, then three as he continues to grow physically larger. He watches the dog and I, learning about power and intention. What you believe you can do is possible. You can manipulate energy in the spirit world.
You are not a fixed, solid form as we are in the physical realm.
The massive wall that the dog, man and myself have manifested into moves farther into the ocean, closer to the body of dolphins. We see that they begin to turn, at first, ever so slightly, then as a mass they turn back toward the ocean, toward safety.
As we watch the body of dolphins vanish into the open ocean, a boat appears. As the pleasure craft moves swiftly toward us, the man who is standing on the bow waving at us, extends his hand and cries out, “come on, take my hand, we’ve been looking all over for you. We’ve been waiting for you. We are here to take you home.”
The dog barks at the boat and paces about excitedly. “It’s time to go,” says the man in the boat, his arm still outstretched to receive his passenger.
The man on the beach, the man who has been searching, wondering, traveling, looks at me with a smile and a nod. With a few short steps he embarks the boat. The man waves good-bye as the boat vanishes out to sea.
After the dog and I spend some joyful time playing tag with the ocean waves, I know it is time to say good-bye, for now. The Golden Retriever runs up the path from the beach to the top of the bluff and vanishes. I give thanks to the universe for allowing me to be of service and marvel at how amazing life in spirit can be.
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium
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