by | October 30, 2017 1:36 pm
Bio-availability means…the proportion of a mineral or other substance that enters the circulation when introduced into the body and so is able to have an immediate active effect. The mineral molecules you take must be small enough to go into your cell walls — that means processed by a plant.
The Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals™ are extracted from humic shale, which is a layer of earth formed from ancient, mineral-laden plants. Humic shale is superior to other commonly-used supplement sources such as bentonite (ground up clay) or dried sea beds (ground up rocks).
As in plants, Plant Derived Minerals™ have a natural negative electrical charge that has three important benefits.
Minerals have a role in nearly every human bodily function from building healthy bones and teeth, to energy production, to immune support. There are all 60 of the necessary human minerals available in the products developed by Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND who, as a biomedical research pioneer, spent decades in the field of veterinary medicine observing and researching the effects of individual nutrients on animal health before becoming a Naturopathic Physician in 1982. Today, Dr. Wallach is renowned for his groundbreaking research on the health benefits of selenium and other minerals. He now dedicates his time to lecturing throughout the world on the therapeutic benefits of vitamins and minerals and on advising the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on behalf of the dietary supplement industry. Note: selenium is known to be missing in the Washington state soil.
Naturopathic physicians (ND’s) combine the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science. Steeped in traditional healing methods, principles and practices, naturopathic medicine focuses on holistic, proactive prevention, and comprehensive diagnosis and medical nutrition and other natural treatments.
ND’s do not try to poison a person’s body back to health, but work with eliminating the cause of the sickness and improving health in a kind and loving way. Remember we are not declaring war on the body and trying to poison it back to health.
Plants are essentially mineral mining and processing machines. The edible plant’s job is to break minerals in the soil down to one fourth the size of our body’s cells and give them the necessary electrical charge so they will be sucked into our cells by electricity when we digest the mineral rich vegetable.
The modern problem is the plants can’t make or deliver these minerals if they are no longer in the soil. If the soil does not contain a full spectrum of the minerals then plants cannot deliver them to our dinner table. The plants can look and taste good on just three or four minerals but our body needs a blend of sixty different minerals daily to ward off diseases.
Minerals are so crucial to our health that even slight imbalances of some minerals can have major consequences; ranging from low energy levels to gastrointestinal issues. Iron, for example, is vital in the transportation of oxygen by red blood cells throughout the body. But imbalance issues can range from low energy levels to gastrointestinal hurdles.
For much of human history, diseases caused by nutrient deficiency were considered normal, and in some parts of the world, they still persist. Even into the 20th century, conditions caused by a lack of certain vitamins or minerals were regularly found among particular people or in a certain area in North America and Europe. Artificially added nutrients may not make a food “healthy,” but they do stave off several debilitating, and sometimes fatal, diseases of malnutrition.
So you see…
After only 2 months taking these mineral rich supplements: We personally feel younger! Roi and I are using the “Youngevity” Healthy Body Start Pak™ 2.0 — every day — twice a day drinking the “90 for Life” – a delicious refreshing glass of ninety vitamins, minerals and taking a couple jell caps of essential fatty acids! We invite you to also recover your health and start growing younger!
(Youngevity ID # 101922699 – you buy wholesale!) LINK: [3]
The AMA Doctors and AMA nutritionists still agree that the healthiest way to acquire your necessary vitamins and minerals is by eating a balanced diet — but the “balanced diet” has been devised by the big food corporations to sell their “4 basic food groups” as a necessity – and that is a bald-faced-lie. We have been lied to by food industry giants who naturally want to sell their packaged foods in large quantities.
In order to be a licensed Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (NMD), students must complete a 4-year, graduate-level program accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education. The first two years of a naturopathic medical degree are the same as the total training of an M. D. The next two years the ND’s learn the kind of supplies the body must have for ideal health. This nutritional training is something the traditional MD’s never get.
That is why so many simple nutritional deficiency diseases are called “incurable “because of the general MD’s lack of nutritional training. When we’re talking about nutritional causes, where not so much talking about what you eat as about what’s missing from today’s best quality foods. MD’s are mostly trained to push the pharmaceutical pills and medical procedures instead of looking for the cause of the disease. The cause of a disease might be a missing nutrient in your diet. We suggest you look in your local phone book and find a Naturopathic Doctor (ND). This is the only way to get the whole nutritional picture to keep your body away from MD’s poisons and hospital deaths.
It’s a chilling reality – one often overlooked in annual mortality statistics: Preventable medical errors persist as the No. 3 killer in the U.S. – third only to heart disease and cancer – medical mistakes are claiming the lives of some 400,000 people each year.
Compare hospital accidental deaths to fighting a war, gun shootings and car deaths:
Which are more dangerous?
The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million.
Most doctors will tell you that spending time outdoors each day is the way to get Vit D, but in the course of modern life, that’s not always possible. If people are going to eat junk: fast food, box food, prepared dinners, eating out in non-organic restaurants, eating sweets, eating breads, drinking sodas, etc. eating poorly either way, if you knew about this piece of education material — you might choose to take the 90 for Life nutrients that will keep you from dropping dead of mineral deficiencies!
Click here >> for the Youngevity link for easy to take minerals and vitamins, essential fatty acids, amino acids, etc.[4] You can purchase Healthy Body Start Paks wholesale. (Youngevity ID # 101922699)
Dr. Peter Glidden (NP) begins his 1st day of tutorials on scientific, natural, clinically verified therapeutics with no side effects. (Sickness is caused by deficiencies of plant derived minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.)√
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