by | June 17, 2016 9:41 pm
Do you want to Increase Your Confidence with Making Decisions?
Nothing is more frustrating to yourself and those around you than being unable to make a decision and stick to it. People who fail to make simple decisions may suffer from a lack of self-confidence.
There can be many reasons why you lack the confidence to make decisions in your life.
[1]For example:
Here are a few ways to recognize if you are someone who lacks confidence in making decisions:
You would rather have someone else make the decision for you –
If you routinely pass the decision making to someone else, because you do not trust that you will do the right thing, then this demonstrates that you do not have confidence in your ability.
You never make a decision quickly –
Other people may be relying on you for a decision, but you let weeks or months slide by without ever making a decision. If you avoid making a decision, just because you do not know what to decide, then this can be an indicator that your confidence level in your abilities is very poor.
When you do make a decision, you second-guess yourself –
If you constantly worry that you have not made the right decision, you are again demonstrating a lack of confidence in your abilities.
No matter what has led up to the inability to trust yourself when making decisions, it is something that you can become better at if you work at it.
In what follows, are ideas for improving your confidence to make better decisions.
In other words, this is a decision that is not yet set in stone. Make a decision, and live with that decision for a day. For example, you have decided to upgrade to a bigger house, and you have the money saved up.
When you find a home that you really like that fits all the criteria you want in a bigger house, what kind of a decision will you make?
It has a big yard, a deck, and an attached garage. However, if you have trouble making decisions:
For example, if you are having a tough time determining what color to paint your house, start by getting some color swatches. Then make a evaluation, rather than continuing to fret over what is the perfect color. Realize that if you start painting and do not like the color, that this is a decision that can easily be fixed by choosing another color.
Similar to the previous point above, you need to recognize that not all decisions are life altering. If you can begin by making small decisions such as what movie to go to, you can grow your confidence to make bigger decisions as time goes on.
Sometimes it can help if you write down and see your ideas for and against a decision written down on paper in front of you. When you see (rather than just think of) the options, it can make it easier to come to a decision.
Practice going to different restaurants and quickly deciding on your choice of a meal to become more confident of your ability.
PS: Have you had trouble deciding big choices for your life?
How did you overcome those dilemmas?
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