by | October 21, 2023 2:04 pm
Here’s a concept concerning health and disease that runs contrary to conventional medical understanding presented by natural nutrition doctor Herb Roi Richards.
For instance, there is a basic misconception about disease. We are medically trained by pharmaceutical companies who fund medical colleges and universities that would have us believe that diseases are illnesses. Not so. If you are suffering from any dis-ease, you are not suffering from the disease that you may have been diagnosed with. Your body is simply presenting a subset of symptoms that are indicative of a weakened and filthy internal condition.
These presenting symptoms may be the result of internal factors such as poor diet, toxicity, genetic disposition, and/or lifestyle choices.
Do you think Richards is a little off his nut? Outside the confines of the United States of America, medicine and diseases are approached in a completely different way. Consider this: Contrary to the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases are typically defined as “abnormal conditions or disorders in the body that cause specific signs and symptoms.”
Richards suggests that disease symptoms are the expression of work being conducted inside the body by pathogens acting like janitors and parasites that are cleaning up debris inside the human body. Only most of the debris they are absorbing are the very substances that our bodies need to survive, and the leftovers from the cleaning process (their excrement) are toxic waste that our bodies are allergic to, thereby creating negative symptoms or allergic reactions.
Then there is Richards’ view on the importance of diet to the human health condition. Richards’ simple diet helps the body process the actual culprits causing the disease symptomology by starving them out. This simple approach runs contrary to the American medical model that would suggest that diseases are so complex that nothing as simple as a change in diet could have much impact on any presenting disease (with the possible exception of diabetes).
According to the Centers for Disease Control, there is a perfect diet to prevent disease in the human body. It is as follows:
Choose fish, poultry, beans, and nuts; limit red meat and cheese; avoid bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats. Eat a variety of whole grains (like whole-wheat bread, whole-grain pasta, and brown rice). Limit refined grains (like white rice and white bread). According to Richards, this half-hearted approach to suggesting that any diet that might be similar to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Pyramid would have a positive impact on the human condition would be erroneous. The American food pyramid was not made to support human health but more so to support the agricultural industries in the USA.
Richards asserts that diet has a far greater impact on the human health condition than any factor presented by any agricultural industry or American medicine.
Richards offers many natural health alternative interventions that run contrary to American medical standards. In fact, there is one product that is prohibited by the Food and Drug Administration for human consumption that Richards proposes has merit, and that is chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide is approved only for the purification of contaminated water, making it safe to drink. It is well known to be the most powerful pathogen killer and it is embraced as such across all industries as a method of eliminating pathogens, viruses, and fungi.
[6]Richards believes that tiny amounts of the same substance used to eliminate toxins in drinking water could have the same impact on the 66% or so of water that goes to make up the body as well. This idea is generally rejected by modern medicine and may be illegal in the United States and may be enforceable by the FDA’s “thought police.”
In conclusion, Herb Roi Richards’ health philosophies and protocols are based on unconventional beliefs about health and disease yet are enthusiastically appreciated by those who have embraced Richards’ approaches to health and healing and benefited from them.
You may contact Herb Roi Richards via his website:[7]
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