Natural Healing Capabilities of Dimethyl Sulfoxide DMSO Uses

by | September 19, 2023 6:36 pm

Dimethyl Sulfoxide, commonly known as DMSO, is a remarkable substance derived from trees. It occurs naturally during the decomposition of plants and can be found in low concentrations in many foods. DMSO is a versatile antioxidant, transforming into MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) when it absorbs oxygen. Unlike MSM, which is available in powder or crystal form, DMSO exists as a clear, odorless liquid that easily mixes with water. It boasts a high boiling point of 372°F (189°C) and freezes at 66.2°F (19°C). What sets DMSO apart is its unique ability to serve as a potent solvent for a wide range of nutrients and remedies while readily penetrating the skin, making it a conduit for these substances to enter the body.


Natural Healing Capabilities of DMSO:

  1. Microbicide: DMSO exhibits antimicrobial properties, effectively combating bacteria, fungi, mycoplasmas, and viruses.
  2. Immune System Booster: It enhances the immune system and reduces allergic reactions, contributing to overall health.
  3. Anti-Inflammatory: With robust antioxidant properties, DMSO acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, potentially reducing inflammation-related conditions.
  4. Pain Relief: When applied topically to affected muscles or joints, DMSO can swiftly alleviate pain and improve mobility, providing relief within minutes.
  5. Improved Blood Circulation: DMSO aids in preventing blood clots and hypercoagulation, enhancing blood flow and circulation. It can even dissolve newly formed blood clots.
  6. Heart Health: DMSO has the potential to dilate blood vessels and enhance heart function, contributing to cardiovascular health.
  7. Cellular Permeability: It efficiently transports molecules across cell membranes, including the blood-brain barrier, facilitating the delivery of vital nutrients.
  8. Connective Tissue Health: DMSO promotes softening of collagen, stimulates wound healing, and improves overall connective tissue health.
  9. Diuretic Properties: It acts as a potent diuretic and has been effective in managing chronic bladder inflammation, such as cystitis.

DMSO has demonstrated its effectiveness in treating an extensive range of health conditions. It’s particularly promising for diseases that may not respond to conventional remedies. Some of these conditions include brain and spinal cord injuries, Down’s Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, dementia, and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). DMSO’s ability to dissolve blood clots and prevent damage after a stroke is particularly noteworthy. It has also shown promise in improving skin conditions like psoriasis and scleroderma and managing autoimmune diseases, arthritis, ulcers, and other inflammatory disorders. Additionally, DMSO can enhance insulin control and blood circulation in individuals with diabetes. It has been used successfully to address various eye problems, including macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, and cataracts, often administered orally or as eye drops.

DMSO in Cancer Treatment:

DMSO is increasingly employed as a carrier in conventional chemotherapy and antiviral therapy due to its ability to penetrate affected cells efficiently. In the context of cancer treatment, DMSO exhibits a unique capability to target cancer cells specifically, making it valuable in treating hard-to-reach brain tumors. Reports suggest that DMSO may possess its own anti-cancer properties, particularly against cancers like breast, lung, and prostate cancer, leukemia, lymphomas, and more. Studies have indicated that even weak (2%) DMSO solutions can eliminate leukemia cells. Furthermore, DMSO has demonstrated its capacity to induce cancer cells to revert to a normal state when used in conjunction with appropriate remedies. It can also trigger the natural death (apoptosis) of cancer cells and protect against radiation damage, especially concerning cancer treatment.

DMSO and Detoxification:

DMSO is vital in detoxifying the body, particularly by binding to and eliminating toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, and nickel through urine, defecation, and sweating. As a source of sulfur, DMSO aids in heavy metal detoxification.

Healing Abilities and DNA Realignment:

One of the most remarkable aspects of DMSO is its capacity to facilitate the regeneration of damaged cells and tissues, essentially returning them to their original, healthy state. DMSO acts as a tool that helps cells revert to their intended, undamaged form. This process is especially valuable in the healing of deep tissues, muscle injuries, burns, and wounds.

How to Use DMSO:

  1. Purity Matters: Always use high-quality DMSO products with a purity level of at least 99% to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  2. Dilution for Topical Use: To avoid skin irritation, dilute DMSO to 70% or less. For a 70% solution, mix two parts of 100% DMSO with one part of water. Adjust the strength according to your skin’s sensitivity.
  3. Application: Apply the diluted DMSO to affected areas, such as muscles, joints, or organs. It is typically applied several times a day as needed. DMSO can quickly alleviate pain and reduce inflammation, although the duration of relief may vary.
  4. Oral Intake: DMSO can also be taken orally. Start with low doses, such as half a teaspoon in a drink, and gradually increase to the desired maximum daily intake, typically 20 to 30 ml in divided doses.
  5. Cautions: DMSO can induce an odor similar to garlic, which may be an issue in social settings. In some cases, it may cause intestinal gas and loose stools. Be cautious when using DMSO on broken or open skin.
  6. Cycle Dosages: For long-term use, cycle between maximum and minimum dosages to maximize effectiveness and minimize any potential side effects.


For more information on DMSO, you might consider reading DMSO for Humans by Herb Roi Richards[3], available via your favorite bookstore, or on

DMSO’s extraordinary properties and healing capabilities make it a valuable tool for addressing a wide range of health concerns. While DMSO may have a unique smell and possible social challenges, its ability to promote healing and alleviate various conditions makes it a promising option for those seeking natural and effective treatments.

  1. [Image]:
  2. [Image]:
  3. DMSO for Humans by Herb Roi Richards:

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