by | December 28, 2023 4:02 pm
Low voltage is the hallmark of almost all chronic diseases. Just like a car without a battery will not work, a body without a functional electrical system won’t function either. The main things that control voltage are thyroid hormone, fulvic acid, dental infections, scar tissue, and exercise. The Wayne Rowland Body Charger charges the body with trillions of negatively charged ions in the form of static electricity.
Cells are designed to run between a Ph of 7.35 and 7.45. A Ph of 7.35 is the same as a voltage of -20mV. A Ph of 7.45 is the same as a voltage of -25mV. The cells are therefore designed to operate between -20mV and -25mV, which are electron donors. Electrons are donated by negative charges, while electrons are stolen by positive charges.
The principal mechanism for maintaining our health is the creation of new cells. The process of creating new cells requires a voltage of -50mV. To make good new cells you need voltage, a healthy diet, and the removal of toxins from your body.
Voltage drops cause your organs to lose their “horsepower,” and toxic waste accumulates as a result.
Our cells are 70% water, and oxygen leaves the cells as voltage drops. Oxygen will dissolve more readily in water as voltage increases (alkaline) while oxygen will come out of solution and leave the water as voltage drops (acidic).
In the absence of enough oxygen in your cells, you become a very good host for pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and cancer, most of which thrive in low oxygen environments, and most of which cannot survive in oxygen rich environments. The trillions of microorganisms that live in our bodies are inactive as long as there is sufficient oxygen in the cells. But once oxygen levels drop, these bugs begin to eat you, consuming your nutrients.
When voltage drops to +30mV, cancer occurs because it goes from an electron donor to an electron stealer, called a change in polarity.
I recommend Jerry Tennant, MD, “Healing is Voltage,” as a good resource for further information on this subject.
This is the ultimate negative ion generator; the Wayne Rowland Body Charger[2] is also a very powerful negative ion generator at 1000X the power of any known waterfall.
If you have ever felt that feeling that you experience by being near a waterfall or high in the mountains, you have experienced the sensation of your body charging. Waterfalls and high mountainous areas are where negative ions abound, and they affect and nourish your biochemistry.
Positive ions, according to experts, deprive us of good senses and dispositions while negative ions are stimulating everything from plant growth to human sexual drive.
Being on the Wayne Rowland Body Charger is like standing near a large waterfall!
Negions (negative ions) help depression & mood.
Additionally, negative ions have been shown to ease depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Negative ions are even patented by a prominent researcher and institution for the treatment of depression.
Studies have shown that negative ions can also alleviate depression, and…
Please note that the Wayne Rowland Body Charger device does not create negative ions. It is not a Rife Frequency Generator and has no connection to Doctor Rife’s Technology. Therefore, it does not emit any frequencies that are often referred to as Rife Mortal Oscillatory Rates (MOR’s). Some confusion may arise when discussing frequencies in Wayne Rowland Body Charger’s user manual. Initially, there seemed to be a link between the numbers displayed on the Wayne Rowland Body Charger and Rife Frequencies (MOR’s), such as those used in Psychotronic or Radionic projections.
In spite of the fact that higher voltage makes your hair stand on end, we are now experiencing enhanced healing with higher voltages/pressures. However, not all “subjects” are able to tolerate the higher settings at first due to an uneasy feeling.
Individuals may need to adjust from lower to higher numbers when using the Wayne Rowland Body Charger, which utilizes advanced medical and aerospace components to generate a steady flow of negatively charged ions. These charged ions are highly effective in eliminating free radicals, as well as a wide range of pathogenic invaders such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Comparable to having up to 18,000 Duracell batteries connected in series, the Wayne Rowland Body Charger provides a constant stream of direct current without any frequencies involved. In this analogy, the body’s grounding activity is akin to the cap of a battery while the negative output at the bottom charges it with trillions of beneficial negative ions through static electricity. Ultimately, these ions have been known to produce feelings of improved well-being.
Spiritual healers and home users alike can benefit from the Wayne Rowland Body Charger.
Using negative ions increases your body’s electric field, which increases the production of Serotonin, a happy hormone that improves your mood, imparts a sense of calm and peace, and reduces stress reactions, so you can enjoy a higher quality of life as your body naturally heals itself.
FDA approval or registration is not available for this device.
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